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drink like a fish meaning in Hindi

drink like a fish sentence in Hindi
बेहद शराब पीना
बेहद शराब पीना
drink    थोड़ा पेय मदिरा
like    तुल्य रूप
a    एक कोई अ अंग्रेजी
fish    मत्स्य मीन मछली
1.:If you have lots of gills, you could drink like a fish.

2."I'm going to drink like a fish, " she said.

3.I hear Sam McDowell drinks like a fish.

4.Well, I take that back _ I used to drink like a fish in my early years.

5.And we learn that she drinks like a fish, smokes in bed in flammable nightgowns and says mean things to Dinah's overweight daughter.

6.At 15, it seems, Fabian began having an affair with Margaret Handle, the mailboat operator's domineering daughter, who drinks like a fish and likes to shoot ducks.

7.As the magazine put it : " Drink like a fish every day, and you'll die of a stroke or cirrhosis well before your hair falls out ."

8.Cadman was often drunk from the age of 6, and by the time he was 17 he could " fight like a devil and drink like a fish ".

9.The tanks are interactive _ the opaque glass sides, laminated with film triggered by sensors, turn transparent as curious travelers approach them . ( The association of " drink like a fish " is unintentional .)

10.As for Hurley, she relishes punk rock and says she would wish " for shallow things, like being able to drink like a fish and stay up until 6, then get up at 7 looking fabulous and with no hangover ."

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How to say drink like a fish in Hindi and what is the meaning of drink like a fish in Hindi? drink like a fish Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.